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AmazingAmay's Profile
To be loved is to be fortunate, to be hated is to achieve distinction.
33 years old 
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Last Profile Login: 3/16/2010
Last World Login: 1/3/2009
Member Since: 12/27/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Meet People
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Children: I don't want children
Education: High School
Religion: Spiritual, but not Religious
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: Full Figured
Height: 5' 1"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Just Looking, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: A Virgin, Domination, Bondage, A Beach, Costumes, Toys, Multiple People, Massage Oil, A Public Place
Sex is Best: Casual, Passionate, Loving, Experimental, Wild, Kinky, In a Relationship
Cybersex: No
I Want You To: Play Along With My Fantasy, Talk Dirty to Me, Tell Me I'm The Best, Make Me Do It, Teach Me New Tricks, Tell Me Your Fantasy
Cybersex Personality: Seductress/Seductor, Submissive, Passionate, Threesomes, The More The Merrier, Fun With Toys, Adventurous, Kinky, Aggressive
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AmazingAmay's Scoop
About me:
I am Aimé Nicole Maxwell. I am shy and outgoing, often forgotten and often remembered. I am passed over and I stand out. I am loved and I am hated. I am bubbly and I am melancholy. I am painfully unobservant. I am a dreamer and I'm down to earth. I am self conscious with small bursts of confidence. I am unique just like everyone else. I get along with nearly everyone and simply ignore the ones I don't like. I am that short, blond chick with the bright, colorful eye makeup and the amazing wardrobe. You will see me either with a big smile on my face, goofing off with my friends, or alone and acting as if I am deep in thought. I like ranbows, neon colors, and animal print. I like stars, stripes, hearts, and skulls. I am attracted to things that are not quite normal. I like open mindedness, acceptance, and curiosity. Some people believe that curiosity killed the cat, but I believe that satisfaction brought it back. I absolutely love music and I love to sing. Music is a part of my soul, a part of who I am. After I graduate I hope to go to college for music. I might also go to college for creative writing because I enjoy writing fictional stories. I also love to read. I could curl up on the couch with a good book and read for nearly the entire day. I believe that you have to get to know someone before you judge them. Everyone judges someone just by looking at them, its human nature, but disliking a person simply on how they look or what they wear is extremely shallow. A couple years ago a friend and I had made up our own religion called I Believe which means we both believe in the Christian faith but we don't follow it. Therefore we are not really Christains but we believe that what the Bible says is true. I believe that to be loved is to be fortunate, but to be hated is to achieve distinction. Just because someone doesn't like you does not mean you have to cry about it. Instead you can laugh, knowing that you've achieved a type of distinction to that person because people seem to dwell on the things that they don't like. I do not care for shallow and close minded people. I do not care for some politicians believing that guns should be banned from the U.S. The 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. If guns are taken out of America then the criminals are the ones who will be able to obtain them and the citizens will have no way of protecting themselves. I do not care for people, especially teenagers, telling their significant other that they love him or her after only a few days or a month of dating. Teenagers hardly know what love truly is and they can not possibly know if they romantically love someone over the course of a month. True love lasts forever. True love is undying. Most teenage relationships consist of puppy love, an infatuation that dies quickly. I am tired of giving money to people and letting them borrow my things because they say they'll pay me back or give back the item they borrowed and then never do. What especially makes me angry is when they become mad at me because i won't lend them anymore of my things, as if they believe that my property belongs to them. In case you haven't noticed people tend to annoy me. I am tired of people saying, for example, "You can't do nothing," when it really should be "You can't do anything." You can call me a grammer Nazi for it but when somebody says the improper example, "You can't do nothing," I picture an inbred, uneducated hillbilly that couldn't say a "big word" if his life depended on it. I know that that was completely stereotypical, and I'm not a big fan of stereotypes, but that's just what comes to mind. While I'm on the subject of stereotypes let me tell you that I am tired of people who revolve their lives around their so called stereotypes. Just because a person may dress in goth like clothes does not mean they can't be a happy person. I am tired of people calling someone a poser just because they dont act like the way they look or dress. I am in favor of gay rights but not in favor of abortion. If I had to choose which political party I'm in, I'd probably have to say that I am a Moderate. I support some things that are more Democratic, and some things that are more Republican. I am in favor of Batman and i love Heath Ledger as The Joker. It's sad that he had to die. I am in favor of winter because I love the snow. I am in favor of being carefree and liberated, of living life without as much stress as possible, but being able to buckle down and get what you need to get done to be successful in life. I am in favor of men and women having equal rights but I don't believe a woman in the army should be in combat because it is men's nature to try and help a woman more than a man and that could cause even more fatalities.

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Who I'd like to meet:
Anyone who i think is pretty cool. I'm not to picky.
More About AmazingAmay
My Other Profile/Website Links:
Music, singing, reading, writing, talking to people, hanging out, and doing shit on the computer.
My Favorite Websites:
Hard rock and metal are my favorite type of music.
Pirates of the Caribbean, Moulin Rouge, Edward Scissorhands, and The Phantom of the Opera
I like fictional books, mostly fantasy. I think that Ann Rice is an amazing author.


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Thursday, April 1, 2010 05:53 AM PSTReport Links  New!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 03:28 PM PSTReport Links

same just gettin over bein sick, boooored off my ass haha. hows bend right now? cold or still warm

Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:27 AM PSTReport Links

Thanks for the add. great pictures, if you are ever in the hood, drop me a line.... have a great day

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 07:34 AM PSTReport Links

Friday, February 20, 2009 07:04 AM PSTReport Links

Friday, February 13, 2009 07:27 AM PSTReport Links

Friday, January 30, 2009 06:17 AM PSTReport Links

Friday, January 23, 2009 07:56 AM PSTReport Links

Monday, January 5, 2009 09:25 AM PSTReport Links

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AmazingAmay my girlfriend

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 07:33 PM PSTReport Links

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