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dreamescape's Profile
StanD ToGetHer oR DiE aLoNe !!
Sexuality: N/A 
36 years old 
Bandung, State N/A 
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Last Profile Login: 12/18/2008
Last World Login: 12/18/2008
Member Since: 12/15/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People
Marital Status: Single
Children: N/A
Education: Graduate School
Religion: Muslim
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Occupation: BarTendEr
Body Type: Average
Height: 1' 87"
Ethnicity: Asian
Languages: English, Indonesian
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Just Looking, Real Life Relationship, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: A Virgin, Swapping, A Beach, Costumes, Toys, A Public Place
Sex is Best: Loving
Cybersex: Yes
I Want You To: Play Along With My Fantasy, Tell Me You Love Me, Meet Me In Person If We Really Click, Tell Me Your Fantasy
Cybersex Personality: Loving, Fun With Toys, Virgin, Adventurous, Aggressive
My Web Gifts

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dreamescape's Scoop
About me:
now, we know what you've got to say. we know what people think about us. it's just another reason for us to hate, know what I mean? we spend everyday feeling dreadful. there's no hope for any of us. we just wish for a better tomorrow.. but we get exactly the opposite. we can't take the pain anymore. the feeling's killing us inside, slowly driving us to our most fragile states. and we just want people to understand. understand why we're like this. understand how we're feeling. just plainly understand. because that's what we need. we need someone to go to. ..or the worst could happen. so until the day a ray of hope would cut through the thick clouds of our despair, we'll be waiting. waiting.. watching.. in the darkness.
Who I'd like to meet:
eyes set to kill Pictures, Images and Photos Bring Me The Horizon Pictures, Images and Photos
More About dreamescape
My Other Profile/Website Links:
aLt + ctrL + DeLeTe .............?
My Favorite Websites:
BrinG me The HoriZon ........ AideN .... aLesaNa ...... A7x .............. bLess ThE faLL ........ tHe deViL wEaRs pRada ......JoB foR a cowBoy ........... tRiviuM .............. buLLet foR my VaLentiNe ................. dRagon force .................. IronMaiDen .................... aS I Lay dyiNg .................... MariLyn MaNsoN .................... eYes seT To kiLL ................. dRop dEaD ........... PurpLe CuRto .................. WomB 2 Da TomB ................ bReathE caRoLina ............... seCondhaNd SereNade ... eTc ........?

Music Playlist at

Lost boy , DeaD siLent , daRk niGht , 21 , oniMusha , iRonmaN , 50 fiRst daTe .................. boDy oF LieS ................... KingDom oF Heaven ...................... HaNcocK ........ iTaLiand JoB................ asTro Boy ..................... teaRs oF The suN .................... eTc ...................?
* i liKes BooK ..... * so SimpLe . .

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008 05:52 PM PSTReport Links


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