General Info
I Am Here For: |
For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People |
Marital Status: |
Single |
Children: |
N/A |
Education: |
Post Grad |
Religion: |
Christian |
Smoke: |
No |
Drink: |
No |
Occupation: |
hairdresser/ artist |
Body Type: |
Average |
Height: |
5' 2" |
Ethnicity: |
White / Caucasian |
Languages: |
English |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
Virtual Relationship, Real Life Relationship, Cyber Friendships |
Sexual Fantasies: |
A Beach, Costumes, Toys, Massage Oil |
Sex is Best: |
Passionate, Loving, With a Stranger, Kinky, In a Relationship |
Cybersex: |
Yes |
I Want You To: |
Play Along With My Fantasy, Meet Me In Person If We Really Click, Teach Me New Tricks, Tell Me Your Fantasy |
Cybersex Personality: |
Loving, Passionate, Fun With Toys, Adventurous, Wild, Role Player |
 My Web Gifts
A gift from uname
 _Junio_'s Scoop
About me:
About Me:
I am single never married no children my brothers and sisters had enough for all to share hehe ..i am one of 7. I work as a unisex hairdresser but my love is art my degree in in interior architecture & designe. I live alone with my cat murdering Maisey (mouse & bird killer)
Best Features:
smile i guess , so ive been told xoxox oh and my right leg the others on me dressing table.........................
Grab This Layout: Marilyn Monroe Diamonds, Sexy Layouts - Comments - Graphics
Who I'd like to meet:
miss romantic would like to meet mr romantic (winks maybe wrong site)
to one day meet the one!! soul mate , best friend & lover be it male or female , as when love sparks it knows no genda! ................Although>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"It's better to be SINGLE yet inspired,than to be in a RELATIONSHIP yet confused."
I've learned that things change,people change,and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up.It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories.Letting go doesn't mean giving up..it means accepting that some things weren't meant 2 b.
Thankyou for takeing the time to read as i know a lot only look at the pictures ..mmmm shallow Als....
Grab This Layout: Marilyn Monroe Pinup Layouts - Comments - Graphics
 More About _Junio_
My Other Profile/Website Links:
art, drawing painting ..music ...love quizes ...not very fit lol doesnt get you anywhere just an early grave ....joke!! im as fit as the butchers dog... i love the gym i go every day now ive become a addict for the place ...
I just love to draw and paint when i get the time...popped a few of my pictures up please tell me what you think thankyou....hey i can take it the good and the bad....
Wow...just love it here in RLC & SL.....I can just be who I want to be! see my pics ...
I sEe A lOt Of QuOtEs In ThIs PaRt. HErE aRe SoMe Of MiNe:
- YoU oNlY hAvE 1 LiFe UnLeSs YoU bElIeVe In SoMe
- iF yOuR sHoEs DoN't FiT, bUy YoUrSeLf AnOtHeR pAiR;
- UnTiL nOw My BiGgEsT cOnCeRn Is WhOsE hAiR iS mOrE
- iF yOu HaVe AlWaYs DoNe It ThE sAmE wAy, YoU
pRoBaBlY hAvE bEeN dOiNg It WrOnG.
- If YoU dOn'T bElIeVe YoUr OwN eYeS gO aNd BuY
My Favorite Websites:
oh i will be here all day i am a movie buff...did my disertaion on cinema buildings...johnny depp just love that guy and we share the same birthday mmmm
anything that makes me laugh my head off"" favourite shameless quote" make drink and drugs cheaper for the poor".... i love dramas esp peroid....oh and documetries ...and art
found this Layout at LayoutsDB.com
oh so many...Martina cole many many more...i even read a train ticket as i need to know where i am going
The Bible
LOVE THY ENEMIES..." But i tell you who hear me: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you....................
And if all that doesnt help: just delete them ...the gospel according to June